Mosaics and mosaic making information from The joy of shards Mosaics Resource

The Joy of Shards mosaics resource Norwich home (gallery one) Norwich gallery two
Tiles and doorways One & Two Around Norfolk

St Margaret's Church, King's Lynn

The tiles around the font are a combination of single tiles and panels of four and sixteen tiles forming a large square area around the font. The sections in the corners and sides are laid at contrasting angles, giving increasing layers of complexity to the overall pattern. The square area is itself surrounded by borders of red and black tiles in geometric arrangements (see below).

church font

tiles around font

tiles around font

tile layout The arrangement of panels of four tiles. Each of these is made up of one design of tile in different rotations.

A panel of sixteen tiles, using four different designs of tile.


St Margaret's:


Views of the font tiling

Selection of tiles around font

Selection of tiles around font

Lions and doves tiles around font

The choir and lower altar

Alpha and Omega tiles

Evangelists tiles


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16 tile panel

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the joy of shards Mosaics Resource