Mosaics and mosaic making information from The joy of shards Mosaics Resource

Opus sectile mosaic in Dorchester

adoration of magi

This opus sectile mosaic panel portraying the Nativity is in St Peter's Church in High West Street, Dorchester. It is in two sections, either side of the altar. One shows the Adoration of the Magi, with the three wise men bringing gifts to the infant Jesus. The panel to the right of the altar (see below) shows an angel appearing to shepherds near Bethlehem.

A dedication runs along the bottom of the scenes, and reads "The gift of JH churchwardens FGL the children the congregation OCV CMV EMS LL and visitors 1922."

This date is towards the end of the period when this kind of work was being produced. The details at the foot of the page show how the shaped, painted glass tiles were used in combination with gold leaf mosaic.

For more about this technique, see this article on opus sectile

nativity mosaic

angel mosiac

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(mosaics in the south of England)

shepherd mosaic

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