Mosaics and mosaic making information from The joy of shards Mosaics Resource

You are in: Visits --> south of England

This is a selection of mosaics, tiles and other features which caught my eye in the south of England.


Roman mosaics in Dorset County Museum

A mosaic in the Roman town house

Opus sectile in St Peter's Church


Medieval tiles, opus sectile angel mosaic and collaged stained glass in the cathedral

Roman mosaics in the City Museum


Purbeck House - Roman style mosaic and Victorian tiling

Pebble fish mosaic by Maggy Howarth

Heritage Centre

mosaics and tiled doorways


huge pebble mosaic by Maggy Howarth

the Russell-Cotes Museum - art nouveau splendour

Carter tile panel at Sandbanks

The New Forest

snake, lizard and frog mosaic


clever tessellations in a maze

St Albans

Victorian tiling in the Abbey

Roman mosaic at Verulamium

A modern mosaic


A pebble mosaic by Maggy Howarth


Roman and modern mosaics

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the joy of shards Mosaics Resource